Your truck navi­ga­ti­on does not dri­ve as plan­ned by the scheduler?

The dis­patcher plans, but the navi­ga­ti­on does some­thing com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent. We show you how it can be improved.

Let’s say that you, as the dis­patcher, would like to give a vehic­le an exact rou­te that it should dri­ve. You enter the start and desti­na­ti­on in a navi­ga­ti­on system, which cal­cu­la­tes the rou­te accor­ding to cri­te­ria such as fastest rou­te, shor­test rou­te, etc. Howe­ver, this does not sol­ve your chall­enge for the exact rou­te. Becau­se the vehic­le should not take the direct or fastest rou­te, but should fol­low the rou­te you have spe­ci­fi­ed exactly.

Map­Trip sol­ves this chall­enge and offers you two methods at once, with which you can plan the rou­tes in detail and send them to your vehic­les: The Refe­rence Rou­te func­tion and the Fol­low­Me func­tion. Both have their justi­fi­ca­ti­on, becau­se alt­hough both pro­vi­de the exact rou­te, they ser­ve com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent purposes.


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Watch our video (3Min) and see

  • How rou­te plan­ning is car­ri­ed out with the respec­ti­ve function
  • for which area of appli­ca­ti­on they are suitable.

How does the Refe­rence Rou­te work?

The Refe­rence Rou­te func­tion can be used in all Map­Trip solu­ti­ons (except Fol­low­Me). Your dis­patcher can give the vehicles/drivers a desi­red rou­te, the so-cal­led refe­rence rou­te. Map­Trip dis­plays this rou­te even if the navi­ga­ti­on system would have sel­ec­ted a dif­fe­rent rou­te in nor­mal rou­te cal­cu­la­ti­on. If your vehic­le devia­tes from the refe­rence rou­te, it will always return to the refe­rence rou­te.
A refe­rence rou­te is the­r­e­fo­re not the result of a cur­rent rou­te cal­cu­la­ti­on, but a detail­ed specification.

Refe­rence Rou­tes with traf­fic check

But what if the jour­ney on the plan­ned refe­rence rou­te would take much lon­ger than cal­cu­la­ted in advan­ce by your dis­patcher, e.g. due to traf­fic jams or wai­ting times? If the Esti­ma­ted Time of Arri­val (ETA) shifts back­wards and rea­ches a cer­tain pre­de­fi­ned dif­fe­rence to the initi­al arri­val time, Map­Trip can check the refe­rence rou­te and sug­gest a faster rou­te.

The­re is no auto­ma­tic swit­ching to this new rou­te in Map­Trip. Instead, it must be released by the dis­patcher so that the dri­ver can sel­ect this new­ly cal­cu­la­ted rou­te in the navi­ga­ti­on dia­log box.

Appli­ca­ti­on area for Refe­rence Routes

  • Map­Trip can take over rou­tes from exter­nal systems as refe­rence rou­tes and dri­ve them.
  • In cer­tain indu­stries (hea­vy goods traf­fic, dan­ge­rous goods trans­port, and so on), dri­vers must adhe­re to pre­de­fi­ned rou­tes for various reasons.
  • The 112 indu­stries also use pre­de­fi­ned refe­rence rou­tes for plan­ned operations.

Map­Trip Fol­low­Me — the some­what dif­fe­rent navigation

Map­Trip Fol­low­Me is the Map­Trip spe­cial solu­ti­on for gar­ba­ge coll­ec­tion, street clea­ning and win­ter ser­vices and for all tho­se who have to fol­low com­plex, rather short rou­tes.

For exam­p­le gar­ba­ge coll­ec­tion: The trucks are usual­ly moving in a cer­tain area and have to fol­low pre­de­fi­ned rou­tes. Often the roads are crossed seve­ral times or trans­fer rou­tes for unloa­ding are dri­ven which can­not be plan­ned exact­ly before­hand.

Map­Trip Fol­low­Me is very dif­fe­rent from a clas­sic navi­ga­ti­on system. It is not a point-to-point navi­ga­ti­on, but fol­lows a lane that was pre­vious­ly recor­ded in the vehic­le with a recor­der or crea­ted direct­ly in the Fol­low­Me Editor.

Map­Trip Fol­low­Me Editor

In the Fol­low­Me Edi­tor your dis­patcher can manu­al­ly crea­te rou­tes, save them and send them to the indi­vi­du­al vehic­les. Exi­sting rou­tes and GPS tracks can also be edi­ted and opti­mi­sed:

For exam­p­le, you can add a text mes­sa­ge at a point on the rou­te, start the coll­ec­tion or trans­fer, mark off-road rou­tes or mark so-cal­led day events.

Espe­ci­al­ly inex­pe­ri­en­ced or chan­ging dri­vers bene­fit from Map­Trip Fol­low­Me, becau­se they can hand­le any rou­te effi­ci­ent­ly and wit­hout losing time with the spe­cial navi­ga­ti­on system.

Cont­act us for more infor­ma­ti­on or click here to read about the use of Map­Trip Fol­low­Me for win­ter ser­vices at Leip­zig-Hal­le Air­port.

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