Your truck navigation does not drive as planned by the scheduler?
The dispatcher plans, but the navigation does something completely different. We show you how it can be improved.
Let’s say that you, as the dispatcher, would like to give a vehicle an exact route that it should drive. You enter the start and destination in a navigation system, which calculates the route according to criteria such as fastest route, shortest route, etc. However, this does not solve your challenge for the exact route. Because the vehicle should not take the direct or fastest route, but should follow the route you have specified exactly.
MapTrip solves this challenge and offers you two methods at once, with which you can plan the routes in detail and send them to your vehicles: The Reference Route function and the FollowMe function. Both have their justification, because although both provide the exact route, they serve completely different purposes.
Watch our video (3Min) and see
- How route planning is carried out with the respective function
- for which area of application they are suitable.
How does the Reference Route work?
The Reference Route function can be used in all MapTrip solutions (except FollowMe). Your dispatcher can give the vehicles/drivers a desired route, the so-called reference route. MapTrip displays this route even if the navigation system would have selected a different route in normal route calculation. If your vehicle deviates from the reference route, it will always return to the reference route.
A reference route is therefore not the result of a current route calculation, but a detailed specification.
Reference Routes with traffic check
But what if the journey on the planned reference route would take much longer than calculated in advance by your dispatcher, e.g. due to traffic jams or waiting times? If the Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) shifts backwards and reaches a certain predefined difference to the initial arrival time, MapTrip can check the reference route and suggest a faster route.
There is no automatic switching to this new route in MapTrip. Instead, it must be released by the dispatcher so that the driver can select this newly calculated route in the navigation dialog box.
Application area for Reference Routes
- MapTrip can take over routes from external systems as reference routes and drive them.
- In certain industries (heavy goods traffic, dangerous goods transport, and so on), drivers must adhere to predefined routes for various reasons.
- The 112 industries also use predefined reference routes for planned operations.
MapTrip FollowMe — the somewhat different navigation
MapTrip FollowMe is the MapTrip special solution for garbage collection, street cleaning and winter services and for all those who have to follow complex, rather short routes.
For example garbage collection: The trucks are usually moving in a certain area and have to follow predefined routes. Often the roads are crossed several times or transfer routes for unloading are driven which cannot be planned exactly beforehand.
MapTrip FollowMe is very different from a classic navigation system. It is not a point-to-point navigation, but follows a lane that was previously recorded in the vehicle with a recorder or created directly in the FollowMe Editor.
MapTrip FollowMe Editor
In the FollowMe Editor your dispatcher can manually create routes, save them and send them to the individual vehicles. Existing routes and GPS tracks can also be edited and optimised:
For example, you can add a text message at a point on the route, start the collection or transfer, mark off-road routes or mark so-called day events.
Especially inexperienced or changing drivers benefit from MapTrip FollowMe, because they can handle any route efficiently and without losing time with the special navigation system.
Contact us for more information or click here to read about the use of MapTrip FollowMe for winter services at Leipzig-Halle Airport.