Truck GPS Navigation

info­wa­re and PDI Part­ner to pro­vi­de safe GPS Truck app for the trans­port of dan­ge­rous goods with MapTrip

We are deligh­ted to have a new ven­dor in PDI, who is offe­ring MapTrip’s navi­ga­ti­on tech­no­lo­gy in Oil­Droid, the com­pany­’s logi­stics soft­ware for the mine­ral oil indu­stry. PDI has inte­gra­ted Map­Trip Truck GPS app for dan­ge­rous goods transportation.

Truck GPS Navigation

PDI, a lea­ding glo­bal pro­vi­der of enter­pri­se soft­ware solu­ti­ons to the con­ve­ni­ence retail, who­le­sa­le petro­le­um and logi­stics indu­stries, sel­ec­ted Map­Trip to power the navi­ga­tio­nal com­po­nent of its com­pre­hen­si­ve logi­stics soft­ware, OilDroid—a tablet-based, in-truck com­pu­ter solution. 

Oil and gas are dan­ge­rous goods that must be trans­por­ted as safe­ly as pos­si­ble on public roads. Trucks that are trans­port­ing the­se com­mo­di­ties are the­r­e­fo­re not allo­wed to dri­ve on every road, and they must adhe­re to the Euro­pean ADR gui­de­lines. The dan­ge­rous goods ver­si­on of our Map­Trip Truck GPS App com­plies with the­se ADR gui­de­lines and ensu­res that the are­as and roads that are not per­mis­si­ble for a given car­go are exclu­ded from the plan­ned route. 

PDI, who­se EMEA head­quar­ters is loca­ted in Offen­bach, Ger­ma­ny, offers a full breadth of logi­stics manage­ment and mobi­li­ty solu­ti­ons with real-time func­tion­a­li­ty for the deli­very pro­cess, vehic­le moni­to­ring, and elec­tro­ni­cal­ly mea­su­ring the fill level in the tanks. The company’s Oil­Droid soft­ware inte­gra­ti­on with Map­Trip Truck GPS app helps gui­de dri­vers along the best and fastest rou­te to the next deli­very point pur­su­ant to the ADR guidelines. 

Oil­Droid cus­to­mers can sim­ply choo­se which navi­ga­ti­on they wish to use. The advan­ta­ges Map­Trip offers for this indu­stry, com­bi­ned with its robust func­tion­a­li­ty and pro­ven abili­ty to inter­face with mul­ti­ple systems, con­tri­bu­ted to PDI’s decis­i­on to part­ner with the company.

After meti­cu­lous­ly sur­vey­ing the mar­ket, we deci­ded to work with info­wa­re, becau­se the pro­duct and the part­ner­ship-based approach to fin­ding solu­ti­ons is the right fit for us,” accor­ding to Jür­gen Spa­nuth, Mana­ging Direc­tor & Glo­bal Account Direc­tor, PDI.

PDI and info­wa­re have suc­cessful­ly imple­men­ted pro­jects in the past in cases whe­re PDI cus­to­mers opted for Map­Trip as the pre­fer­red navi­ga­ti­on solution. 

The bene­fi­ci­a­ry of the latest pro­ject is one of the lar­gest freight for­war­ders in Scan­di­na­via, who spe­cia­li­zes in the trans­port of dan­ge­rous goods. The first pha­se of the pro­ject which alre­a­dy star­ted will include 40 vehicles. 

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