Truck GPS App for Android

Truck GPS App for Android Update — Navi­ga­ti­on App Map­Trip 4.11 with maps from Tom­Tom, Here and OSM

The new ver­si­on 4.11 of our Truck GPS App for Android Map­Trip is now available. Read more about what is new and improved.

Map Data

Map­Trip users now have the choice bet­ween map data from Tom­Tom, Here and Open Street Map (OSM). Depen­ding on loca­ti­on and use case one or the other may pro­vi­de bet­ter per­for­mance for your solution.

Truck GPS App For Android

Memo­ry Usa­ge Reduced

A major requi­re­ment of ver­si­on 4.11 was an over­all bet­ter run­time beha­vi­or. For this pur­po­se, lar­ge parts of the pro­gram code were revi­sed or exch­an­ged and the memo­ry con­sump­ti­on was redu­ced. As a result, many chan­ges are not imme­dia­te­ly visi­ble, but have an impact on the sta­bi­li­ty and per­for­mance of the app.

At the same time, com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty with older Android ver­si­ons up to 4.1 was taken into account.

Can­cel bypas­sed traf­fic inci­dent wit­hout addi­tio­nal dialogue

The bypass of a traf­fic inci­dent can be can­cel­led within the list for traf­fic infor­ma­ti­on. In the pre­vious ver­si­on, this had to be con­firm­ed again by pres­sing one more but­ton. Also the error is cor­rec­ted that in some cases annul­ment was not possible.

Send Desti­na­ti­ons to the GPS App

With Map­Trip Remo­te rou­tes sent by the edi­tor are pro­ce­s­sed even if the user (dri­ver) has cal­led up a menu item at that time. In addi­ti­on, the pro­ce­s­sing of recei­ved rou­tes has been adju­sted so that the last rou­te sent is always dis­play­ed for sel­ec­tion. This fea­ture is exclu­si­ve to the Android ver­si­on of the Truck GPS App.

Truck GPS App for Android

Lea­ving a Fol­low­Me Route

If you were in a menu while lea­ving a Fol­low­Me Rou­te, this could cau­se the app to beco­me unsta­ble. This has been corrected.

Repre­sen­ta­ti­on of the roun­ding of distances 

The dis­play of long (four-digit) distances to the next turn was not very nice, espe­ci­al­ly when using miles as a unit. This has been improved.

Hide sub­me­nu warnings

The ‘War­nings’ sub­me­nu can now also be hid­den in admin mode.

Addi­tio­nal ent­ry in settings.ini (see also Acti­vat­ing the admin mode in the documentation)


Truck GPS App for Android

Switch ‘Speed Came­ra War­ning’ in the War­nings menu while licence opti­on is not activated

The Speed Came­ra War­ning check box in the ‘War­nings’ sub­me­nu is no lon­ger dis­play­ed if the func­tion has not been acti­va­ted in the licence.

Voice out­put of Fol­low­Me events in back­ground ope­ra­ti­on mode

The out­put of events via text-to-speech now also works when the app runs in the back­ground. This is the case, for exam­p­le, when Map­Trip is con­trol­led via MTI and over­laid by the cus­to­mer app.

Find petrol sta­ti­ons with cash payment

Gas sta­ti­ons with cash payment are now also found if the lan­guage set in the app dif­fers from German.

POIs Clu­ste­ring

While zoo­ming out, POIs are grou­ped into clu­sters, which impro­ves cla­ri­ty on the map.

Truck GPS App for Android

Adjust­ments of translations

Some text pas­sa­ges of the user inter­face have been new­ly trans­la­ted depen­ding on the language.

Stand-By fea­ture for Truck Navi­ga­ti­on Android

If the vehic­le is not moved, the use of online ser­vices is pau­sed. This redu­ces tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on char­ges. This fea­ture can be con­trol­led by con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on entries.

  • the radi­us within which the vehic­le remains (default is 500 meters)
  • the mini­mum time of standstill (default is 3600 seconds)

As GPS signals can ‘jump’, the radi­us should not be sel­ec­ted too small, other­wi­se the standstill would be erro­n­eous­ly cancelled.


Avo­id­ance of ferries

In some cases fer­ry con­nec­tions were used for rou­te cal­cu­la­ti­on alt­hough the opti­on Avo­id Fer­ries was active.

Impro­ved gui­dance in emer­gen­cy mode

For Map­Trip 112 the gui­dance in emer­gen­cy mode, espe­ci­al­ly in resi­den­ti­al are­as, has been optimized.

Cor­rec­tion of beha­viour in case of road closure

In some cases the direc­tion of road clo­sures was not cor­rect­ly considered.

Cor­rec­tion of beha­viour on motorways

In excep­tio­nal cases, when dri­ving on motor­ways, the desti­na­ti­on was gui­ded via the fee­der road par­al­lel to the motor­way. This was corrected.

Repre­sen­ta­ti­on of the vehic­le position

By set­ting the fol­lo­wing para­me­ter the matching of the vehic­le sym­bol on roads can be activated/deactivated or the actu­al GPS coor­di­na­te is shown:

ShowMatchedPosition=always | during­Gui­dance | never
always (default): the vehic­le sym­bol always will be matched to the street (if this makes sen­se depen­ding to the cur­rent situa­ti­on)
during­Gui­dance: the matching is only car­ri­ed out for tar­get gui­dance
never: the vehic­le sym­bol is dis­play­ed accor­ding to the cur­rent GPS coordinate

Map­Trip Inter­face (MTI)

Adjust­ment Api::ShowServer für Android 10

Start­ing with Android 10, Goog­le has made chan­ges that pre­vent intents from start­ing from an app that is in the back­ground. One resul­ting effect is that apps can no lon­ger bring them­sel­ves into the fore­ground.
We have the­r­e­fo­re exten­ded the MTI libra­ry so that the user app can prompt Map­Trip to bring the app to the front.

Plea­se note: If it is not pos­si­ble to update to the latest libra­ry in the app, the Android set­tings can be used to give the neces­sa­ry per­mis­si­on for apps to bring them­sel­ves to the fore­ground. Sin­ce this is not a run-time per­mis­si­on and the pos­si­bi­li­ty to call up the neces­sa­ry set­tings menu is only pos­si­ble until Android 10 is sup­port­ed, we deci­ded against the imple­men­ta­ti­on of this vari­ant. More infor­ma­ti­on

Cor­rec­tion of the Funk­ti­on Api::hideServer

When cal­ling Api::hideServer the cor­re­spon­ding call­back ApiListener::hideServerResult is now called.

Noti­fi­ca­ti­on of event Info.MAPTRIP_STARTED

The beha­viour after start­ing Map­Trip is descri­bed in the docu­men­ta­ti­on in such a way that this event is re-por­ted to the call­back ApiListener::infoMsg as Info.MAPTRIP_STARTED. This was adju­sted accor­din­gly. From the time of inco­ming this call Map­Trip is rea­dy to recei­ve the Api::init and pro­cess MTI calls.

Intent Inter­face

Sub­mit­ting a desti­na­ti­on address

Adap­t­ati­on to the beha­viour of the SDK. Use of the optio­nal spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on of an address for desti­na­ti­on trans­fer with coor­di­na­tes in the for­mat:

The gui­dance to the coor­di­na­te is now via the spe­ci­fi­ed street.

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