Map­Trip 4.9: The new release of the Truck GPS App is out now

In the new release 4.9 the­re are some new func­tions with which our Truck GPS App Map­Trip can be used even bet­ter. We have com­pi­led an over­view of some of the inno­va­tions for you.

MapTrip 4.9: The new release

New func­tion: Impro­ve­ments of Com­pa­n­ion Map

During navi­ga­ti­on the traf­fic flow will now be pla­ced on top of the rou­te. In the colors green, oran­ge and red the rou­te shows the traf­fic con­di­tons ahead.

In case you upgrade from a pre­vious Map­Trip ver­si­on, you must replace the files «color.xml» and «mapservices.xml» in the Map­Trip fol­der. If now flow data were con­side­red or the rou­te was cal­cu­la­ted on board, the rou­te will be dis­play­ed as usual.

MapTrip 4.9: The new release

New func­tion in Map­Trip Fol­low­Me: Move Arrow

Map­Trip Fol­low­Me is the GPS app for Waste Manage­ment, Street Clea­ning and Win­ter Ser­vices. The app is based on the truck gps Map­Trip Truck but has extra fea­tures neces­sa­ry for dri­ving very com­plex routes.

The “Move arrow” fea­ture is used when an unex­pec­ted obs­ta­cle blocks the rou­te and pre­vents the dri­ver from fol­lo­wing the rou­te for a seg­ment. The user can then move the arrow to a point fur­ther down the track, to show the app whe­re he can con­ti­n­ue to fol­low the route. 

The beha­viour of the Fol­low­Me func­tion «Move arrow» could be impro­ved signi­fi­cant­ly. Now both vehic­le and arrow are dis­play­ed in the map area at once when their distance is low. When moving the arrow fur­ther away the map area fol­lows the arrow.

MapTrip 4.9: The new release

New func­tion: Use truck par­kings as desti­na­ti­on for the GPS app

In the Map­Trip Truck GPS app par­kings can now be used as desti­na­ti­on from the detail view. Also available is the fea­ture which shows par­kings that are direct­ly on the rou­te ahead. At a tap of a but­ton they can be inser­ted into the route.

MapTrip 4.9: The new release

New func­tion: Noti­fi­ca­ti­on when cal­cu­la­ting rou­tes wit­hout inter­net connection

In addi­ti­on to the impro­ve­ments of com­pa­n­ion map a noti­fi­ca­ti­on warns now when a rou­te was cal­cu­la­ted on board, even though the licence inclu­des off board rou­ting. Typi­cal cases are sear­ching of a rou­te or rerou­ting with miss­ing inter­net connection.

MapTrip 4.9: The new release

The app uses real-time traf­fic infor­ma­ti­on of your choice of eit­her Tom­Tom or Here. Both sup­pliers are con­side­red the best in the mar­ket and pro­vi­de excel­lent traf­fic avo­id­ance and exact ETA calculation.

New func­tion in Map­Trip 112: Set Emer­gen­cy Rou­te Radius

The emer­gen­cy radi­us is a set­tings para­me­ter in Map­Trip 112. It sets the radi­us around the desti­na­ti­on within the emer­gen­cy rou­ting should be used.

New func­tions:

  1. Set emer­gen­cy rou­te radi­us
    a.Navigation::setEmergencyRouteRadius(int meters)
  2. Get emer­gen­cy rou­te radi­us

Impro­ve­ments of MTI Geocoding:

Use case: An appli­ca­ti­on sends an address with wrong hou­se num­ber as desti­na­ti­on to Map­Trip via MTI.

If the­re is no hou­se num­ber found in the map data, the midd­le of the street will still be used for geo­co­ding. For cat­ching this case, for exam­p­le to dis­play a war­ning in the cal­ling appli­ca­ti­on, «MTI_ERROR_NO_HOUSENUMBER_FOUND» will be retur­ned instead of «MTI_ERROR_OK».

Want to learn more about Map­Trip 4.9 and its other fea­tures? Plea­se feel free to cont­act us at any time.

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