Map data

Add miss­ing streets in the map data and see them direct­ly in the navigation!

As the only pro­fes­sio­nal GPS navi­ga­ti­on Map­Trip offers the pos­si­bi­li­ty to easi­ly draw miss­ing roads on the map yours­elf and send them direct­ly to the GPS navigation.

Pro­blem: the­re is no pos­si­bi­li­ty to add miss­ing streets to the map data and see the­se street imme­dia­tel­ly in the GPs navigation 

You know this yours­elf, some­ti­mes roads in new cons­truc­tion are­as, access roads or roads on com­pa­ny pre­mi­ses are miss­ing in the GPS navi­ga­ti­on. The pos­si­bi­li­ties to chan­ge this are curr­ent­ly very limi­t­ed. You can report a miss­ing road to the map pro­vi­ders like Tom­Tom, Here or OSM, and hope to find this road again in the next map release. With a well-known, free car GPS navi­ga­ti­on, you can draw in roads yours­elf, but the­se are only trans­mit­ted to the map pro­vi­der. You still won’t see this road in your GPS navi­ga­ti­on device for a long time.

Gre­at demand

More and more, we recei­ved requests from our cus­to­mers who wan­ted the same func­tion. To add a miss­ing street to the map data and to send this street direct­ly to the GPS navi­ga­ti­on. With the new ver­si­on Map­Trip 5.3. exact­ly this is possible.


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Watch this video to see how easy you can add miss­ing roads 

Func­tions in Detour Edi­tor extended

To do this, a new but­ton in the Detour Edi­tor calls the func­tion for dra­wing roads.

map data

Then the new street is drawn into the map by mou­se clicks and saved.

Syn­chro­nizati­on is auto­ma­tic and the new street appears imme­dia­te­ly in the Map­Trip GPS app.


This small road is not inclu­ded in stan­dard maps from Tom­Tom, Here and OSM. Using the Detour edi­tor, it can be added with a few clicks and sent to the navi­ga­ti­on devices.

map data
The miss­ing road is visi­ble on the satel­li­te photo.
Map data
The miss­ing road was added in the Detour Editor.
Map data
The street is added in the edi­tor and is imme­dia­te­ly available in the navigation.

The miss­ing road is added in the edi­tor and is imme­dia­te­ly available in the GPS navigation.

Typi­cal use cases in the logi­stics sector

Of cour­se, the­re are no limits here. As soon as a street is miss­ing, it can be drawn in with the new func­tion. This can be the case, for exam­p­le, for new cons­truc­tion are­as that are not yet inclu­ded in the regu­lar street maps from Tom, Here or OSM. But you can also add yard ent­ran­ces to the public road net­work, approa­ches to logi­stics cen­ters or add roads on a com­pa­ny site.

For emer­gen­cy operations

A miss­ing road is par­ti­cu­lar­ly cri­ti­cal when the fire depart­ment, ambu­lan­ce ser­vice or poli­ce are on a emer­gen­cy mis­si­on. Here it is par­ti­cu­lar­ly important that dri­vers can real­ly dri­ve along EVERY road in your ope­ra­tio­nal area and reach every point at any time. Then sim­ply adapt the map data to your spe­ci­fic needs and situa­tions and use it direct­ly in your Map­Trip GPS navi­ga­ti­on. The chan­ges will be direct­ly and “on the fly” usable in Map­Trip GPS Navi­ga­ti­on and also in Map­Trip Rou­te Plan­ning, Resour­ce Plan­ning etc

What are the advan­ta­ges of being able to add your own roads to the GPS navigation?

  • Leng­thy map set­ups and instal­ling map updates are no lon­ger neces­sa­ry — you beco­me com­ple­te­ly fle­xi­ble and inde­pen­dent of map updates from providers.
  • You can react quick­ly — making a chan­ge takes just a few mou­se clicks.
  • The GPS navi­ga­ti­on real­ly knows every pas­sa­ble street and access road in your area.
  • Even new roads and resi­den­ti­al are­as are imme­dia­te­ly available in the GPS navigation.
  • Dri­vers do not have to search for a long time, but are always gui­ded on the best way.
  • Your dri­vers are thus more effi­ci­ent, faster, cost-saving, safer and ener­gy-saving on the road.

Com­ple­te fle­xi­bi­li­ty in map editing with Detour Editor

With Detour Edi­tor you can not only add miss­ing roads, almost all ima­gi­nable cus­tom chan­ges can be made to the road maps. The chan­ges are auto­ma­ti­cal­ly syn­chro­ni­zed with your own Map­Trip navi­ga­ti­on apps.

The fol­lo­wing chan­ges can be made in the Detour edi­tor for navi­ga­ti­on and rou­te planning:

If you would like to learn more about the pos­si­bi­li­ties of Detour Edi­tor, why not arran­ge a demo via web mee­ting with our GPS navi­ga­ti­on experts. We are loo­king for­ward to your request.

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