Live Traffic Maps
Here you can find live traffic maps from highways in Germany.
If you are wondering on which freeways there is a traffic jam or if there is a traffic jam on your route, have a look at the live traffic maps. You will find out why there is a delay, how long it is and also whether a freeway is completely closed. The traffic reports in our live traffic maps come from the market leaders for traffic information TomTom and Here which are also used by the ADAC and the WDR. We also use the same traffic reports in our GPS Navigation MapTrip.
Live Traffic Maps - What is the traffic situation in Germany?
Get the best traffic news in MapTrip Navigation!
Of course, you will also get the best traffic reports and live traffic maps in the MapTrip GPS Navigation. We also use the traffic reports from TomTom and Here here. These manufacturers offer the most up-to-date and complete data on the market. In addition, we also take into account statistical traffic data for the route calculation, insofar as this is available for the route sections.
We calculate in a unique way the traffic jam avoidance. Therefore, with MapTrip GPS Navigation you are always on the fastest route and always get the best live traffic maps in your GPS.
Did you know that our MapTrip Navigation has already received the "Best Traffic App" award several times for its congestion avoidance?
TomTom or Here Traffic
You can choose whether you want to use the map data and traffic reports from TomTom or Here Traffic. You can easily change the provider here in the overview by clicking on the respective name in the yellow field at the bottom left of the map.
Why MapTrip has been named "The Best Traffic App" multiple times
We process the best available traffic reports in a very efficient way to guide you safely on the fastest route:
- Best real-time traffic reports: MapTrip uses not only the actual congestion information (3km congestion between X and Y), but real-time traffic data for ALL available road segments.
- This is the average speeds currently being driven (similar to Google Maps, with MapTrip truck average speeds).
- This allows to calculate the best (= fastest) routes for the respective traffic reports, avoid traffic jams and give a much more accurate arrival time.
- The routes are constantly checked in order to be able to react to a changed traffic situation.
- The driver is informed accordingly in each case should a faster route be available.
Summary traffic news in the MapTrip Android app:
- Not only traffic jams on affected sections are taken into account, but also current speeds on all roads.
- Calculation of the fastest route.
- Continuous update in the background (anonymized).
- The driver receives a notification if there is a better route due to changing traffic reports.
- This means that the current fastest route is always available.
- Best live traffic maps in your GPS
- ETA calculation with MapTrip is more accurate.
Always the fastest route to any traffic situation
With the MapTrip Android App
- You get the best live traffic maps
- Spend less time in traffic jams
- Can plan with an exact arrival time
- In real time for almost all roads
Editorial traffic news and live traffic maps in the MapTrip Android App
How does MapTrip use traffic reports?
The recording of traffic reports in live traffic maps has evolved considerably in recent decades. In the early days, purely editorial traffic reports from the police or ADAC were read out on the radio. Later, induction loops, sensors on bridges and transmission as a data stream to navigation were added. A turning point was the transition to the crowd-sourced Big Data approach, in which the largest possible amount of raw data from smartphones and cars is used to create a previously unheard-of detailed picture of the traffic situation. For navigation software, this meant a big change.
In this really very interesting article "Live Traffic report in today's navigation" we explain the progress of traffic reports, from their still bumpy beginnings to the current state of live traffic maps.
Traffic messages today are no longer local trouble spots. In the past, these could be received directly by navigation devices and taken into account in route calculation. Today, the traffic situation for navigation is instead presented as a multi-dimensional universe of information, consisting of current, statistical and forecast data. This is increasingly supplemented by information such as speed limits, weather or road conditions.
Low data consumption despite current traffic reports?
However, this flood of information cannot be meaningfully processed on mobile devices. Neither the transmission nor the computing capacities of smartphones or navigation devices would be sufficient for this.
We therefore opted for a server-centric architecture for MapTrip. The MapTrip backend continuously receives the latest traffic reports and can thus calculate optimal routes.
The navigation software in the vehicle simply makes route requests to the servers and receives the optimal route back, fully calculated.
This concept also offers the advantage that the server can inform the navigation about faster route options at any time.
What are the advantages of calculating routes in the backend on MapTrip servers?
As long as there is a mobile data connection, the routes are calculated online on MapTrip servers. This enables the inclusion of the extensive traffic reports.
The latest map data is always available on the servers.
This also reduces the need for frequent and sometimes costly map updates on the devices. There is always compatibility between locally installed data and the data on the servers.
- Optimal routes and precise arrival times as traffic messages are taken into account in the entire road network. (server-side calculation)
- Minimal resource consumption on the mobile device (thin client) as complex calculations are outsourced to the server.
- Always up-to-date maps as the servers receive continuous updates.
What happens if I don't have a mobile data connection?
- If there is no mobile data connection, the routes are calculated using the map data installed on the devices - but then without traffic reports.The road data stored locally on the mobile device in advance therefore also allows navigation offline as a fallback.