How to send an opti­mi­zed rou­te to a GPS app

Our video shows how you can plan and opti­mi­ze a rou­te befo­re sen­ding it to a GPS app.

In our video we show you how to send an opti­mi­zed rou­te to a GPS­app. It is a com­mon chall­enge in ever­y­day logi­stics plan­ning. You have crea­ted a per­fect rou­te con­tai­ning all the stops neces­sa­ry and con­side­ring all the rest­ric­tions of your vehic­le. But then it beco­mes very dif­fi­cult, if not impos­si­ble to make sure, that the dri­ver actual­ly takes that route. 


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What hap­pens in many cases is, that the dri­ver is given a list of addres­ses which he then enters into his own GPS soft­ware. The result can be that more toll costs are incur­red than plan­ned. Worse still would be if the truck got stuck under too low a bridge. Eit­her can hap­pen if dri­vers are using their own GPS soft­ware or just Goog­le Maps.

Map­Trip offers a cure to that source of fru­stra­ti­on. Actual­ly it offers two! Map­Trip has two sets of fea­tures that sol­ve the pro­blem and make sure dri­vers take the exact rou­te YOU plan­ned out for them.

In this video we explain com­mon use cases of Fol­low­Me and Refe­rence Rou­te. Fol­low­Me is for fol­lo­wing super com­plex rou­tes usual­ly in urban envi­ron­ments while Refe­rence Rou­te is a gre­at fea­ture for Truck Navi­ga­ti­on to make sure, dri­vers fol­low a pre plan­ned route.

When should I use the Refe­rence Route?

I you are plan­ning a long-haul rou­te over hundreds of kilo­me­ters and you figu­red out the best rou­te cons­in­de­ring toll and par­king places then refe­rence rou­te is the best solu­ti­on for you. Once you have opti­mi­zed the rou­te, you can send it to the Map­Trip GPS app for guidance. 

When should I use FollowMe?

Fol­low­Me is a fea­ture which we have deve­lo­ped accor­ding to requi­re­ments from the waste manage­ment and win­ter ser­vices indu­stries. The­se use cases tend to invol­ve very com­plex rou­tes which try to cover every road in an area. They also go into a dead end street, turn around at the end and go back. A rou­te like this can only be dri­ven with FollowMe.

I alre­a­dy have a plan­ning tool. Can I use it with MapTrip?

Yes, you can! You can use the plan­ning tool we show in the video or you can use your own. All you need to do is export your rou­te as a csv-file. Then you can send the opti­mi­zed rou­te to the GPS app.

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