GPS Navi­ga­ti­on App

Edit the Map for your GPS App Test

The Detour Edi­tor lets you block and unblock roads, modi­fy tur­ning rest­ric­tions and thus edit the map of your GPS app in fire fight­ing, poli­ce and res­cue services.

The Detour Edi­tor is inten­ded for poli­ce, fire and res­cue teams and is part of the GPS app Map­Trip 112. With the Detour Edi­tor you can record road clo­sures such as cons­truc­tion sites or street festi­vals and cal­cu­la­te rou­tes for your emer­gen­cy vehic­les. The clo­sures are auto­ma­ti­cal­ly syn­chro­ni­zed with the Map­Trip 112 GPS app.

Go to our Detour Edi­tor por­tal and try out the demo ver­si­on, in which you can easi­ly test the func­tion­a­li­ties like the inser­ti­on of a road block. It con­ta­ins a rou­te cal­cu­la­ti­on tool so you can easi­ly see how your GPS app will use the map edit.

GPS Navigation App

To the Detour Edi­tor Por­tal »
Down­load Map­Trip 112 »

Read how the Fire Depart­ment Wup­per­tal, Ger­ma­ny uses Map­Trip 112.

Map­Trip 112 was deve­lo­ped in clo­se coope­ra­ti­on with mul­ti­ple pro­fes­sio­nal fire fight­ing units in Ger­ma­ny. Over the years we have incor­po­ra­ted a lot of feed­back and deve­lo­ped fea­tures like the Emer­gen­cy Rou­ting. The emer­gen­cy rou­ting crea­tes a peri­me­ter around the desti­na­ti­on. Upon rea­ching the peri­me­ter the GPS app fol­lows a more direct rou­te to the desti­na­ti­on, when it is in a park or a nor­mal­ly blocked road.

The other main fea­ture of the Map­Trip 112 GPS app is the abili­ty to use the edi­tor to use the GPS’s map data. In the con­trol cen­ter a user can use the web edi­tor to add or remo­ve road blocka­ges or modi­fy tur­ning rest­ric­tion which may not app­ly to vehic­les in an emer­gen­cy mission.

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