Forest GPS

GPS Navi­ga­ti­on in the forest — dif­fi­cult wit­hout human input

Some navi­ga­ti­on desti­na­ti­ons are not on public roads but on forest or field paths. Or they are not on any road at all, but in the midd­le of the ter­rain. With the GPS navi­ga­ti­on app Map­Trip you can still reach such desti­na­ti­ons. We show how it works.


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Plea­se acti­va­te the eng­lish subtitels

Navi­ga­ti­on soft­ware is being used more and more and is incre­a­sing­ly con­quering pro­fes­sio­nal fields of appli­ca­ti­on. It is incre­a­sing­ly the case that simp­le navi­ga­ti­on from A to B is no lon­ger enough. In the­se cases, pro­fes­sio­nal navi­ga­ti­on apps have to be used. Use cases can be, for exam­p­le, tim­ber trans­ports that have to pick up a pile of wood in the midd­le of the forest. How is the dri­ver sup­po­sed to find his desti­na­ti­on here? A nor­mal Goog­le Maps navi­ga­ti­on does not lead into the forest and it does not know any truck rest­ric­tions such as length, width or weight.

Navi­ga­ti­on in the forest — dif­fi­cult wit­hout human input

GPS Navi­ga­ti­on in the forest is a dif­fi­cult chall­enge. In some cases, forest paths are even inclu­ded in the road maps from Tom­Tom, Here or Open­Street­Map. But whe­ther the line on the map is a robust gra­vel path or a mud­dy over­grown trail? No one knows. It would the­r­e­fo­re be negli­gent to ent­rust a hea­vy truck to a digi­tal map alo­ne. The risk of get­ting stuck or of a path being dama­ged by the hea­vy vehic­les is too great.

Forest GPS
The chall­enge with navi­ga­ti­on in the forest is the vary­ing natu­re of the paths. Is the path sui­ta­ble for my vehic­le? Is the­re even a map to the destination?

The­r­e­fo­re, to find the best way to a desti­na­ti­on in the forest, human local know­ledge must be used. The Map­Trip Truck navi­ga­tor offers just the right solu­ti­on for this with its Fol­low­Me func­tion. Just like in the fairy tale of Han­sel and Gre­tel, Map­Trip crea­tes a track from the desti­na­ti­on in the forest to the asphalt road. This track is not only used to get out of the forest like in the fairy tale, but also, for later visits, to find back to the desti­na­ti­on in the forest.

Truck navi­ga­ti­on in the forest — risk: get­ting stuck

If a truck is to dri­ve to this desti­na­ti­on in the forest later, Map­Trip first navi­ga­tes it to the drop-off point on the road like a nor­mal navi­ga­ti­on system. Of cour­se, all truck rest­ric­tions are taken into account. Once the­re, Map­Trip shows its pro­fes­sio­nal fea­tures to full advan­ta­ge. It con­ti­nues in the so-cal­led “Off­Road mode”. The dri­ver then only has to fol­low the given rou­te to safe­ly reach his destination.

Forest GPS
With the Off­Road func­tion, a GPS track to the desti­na­ti­on can be recor­ded and later used again for navigation.

So for each desti­na­ti­on, a small Han­sel and Gre­tel track (tech­ni­cal­ly a GPS track) is crea­ted that leads from the public road to the respec­ti­ve destination.

Navi­ga­ti­on to wind turbines

This con­cept can also be applied to many other appli­ca­ti­on scenarios.

Ser­vice per­son­nel who have to dri­ve to wind tur­bi­nes face simi­lar chal­lenges. How do you find the right way to a wind­mill in the midd­le of the countryside?

Farm navi­ga­ti­on

For­war­ding com­pa­nies that sup­p­ly farms have a simi­lar situa­ti­on. Often the farm is remo­te and not on the regu­lar road net­work. Here, too, a lane can be defi­ned that leads from the road to the desti­na­ti­on. This ensu­res that the vehic­le rea­ches its desti­na­ti­on safe­ly wit­hout get­ting stuck and wit­hout caus­ing dama­ge to the corridor.

Forest GPS
The navi­ga­ti­on leads nor­mal­ly until the des­cent into the forest. From then on, the GPS track is followed.

Tech­ni­cal implementation

The tech­ni­cal imple­men­ta­ti­on is very simp­le and is sup­port­ed by default by Map­Trip Truck with Fol­low­Me. Down­load the navi app here. You can eit­her record the track to a desti­na­ti­on with Map­Trip in the vehic­le or draw it on a map in the inter­net brow­ser with a mou­se click. We’ll show you how to do that in the­se vide­os. In the Navi, you only have to call up the track to the respec­ti­ve desti­na­ti­on in the Fol­low­Me menu. Done! Map­Trip does the rest.

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