Final spurt — our trai­nees on the home stretch!

We are proud of our trai­nees Leo Hein and Sipan Saleh. Both are trai­ning with us to beco­me IT spe­cia­lists in the field of appli­ca­ti­on development.

Sipan Saleh
Leo Hein

Sipan and Leo are curr­ent­ly wri­ting their final the­sis, becau­se alre­a­dy in May the final exam will take place for the trainees.

Both trai­nees wan­ted to wri­te a demo appli­ca­ti­on for their final the­sis that shows the inter­ac­tion bet­ween Ser­ve­r­A­PI and Map­Trip.

Of cour­se, the results will be available later on our Git­Hub account as an exam­p­le and we will crea­te a tuto­ri­al and video for it.

Via ser­ver API dis­play devices on a map, retrie­ve and dis­play ETA and the route.

For Sipan­’s final pro­ject, he will deve­lop a demo appli­ca­ti­on that ser­ves as an intro­duc­tion to the Map­Trip Ser­ver API. With the appli­ca­ti­on it should be pos­si­ble to show the func­tion­a­li­ties of the Map­Trip Ser­ver API.

The­r­e­fo­re, an appli­ca­ti­on is nee­ded that can be used to retrie­ve all devices (vehic­les) in a fleet. To use this, one must first authen­ti­ca­te with an account. In addi­ti­on, infor­ma­ti­on of the devices as well as their posi­ti­on should be dis­play­ed on a map.

Fur­ther­mo­re, one can fil­ter through the list of devices as desi­red and trig­ger actions such as query­ing the cur­rent route.


Send a refe­rence rou­te via ser­ver API

Leo’s appli­ca­ti­on is used to demon­stra­te an exam­p­le use of our Map­Trip Ser­ver API for tele­ma­tics users.

In this case, eit­her a refe­rence rou­te or an itin­era­ry can be requested.

For this, the appli­ca­ti­on accepts a list of coor­di­na­tes in JSON or CSV for­mat via a cus­tom web inter­face.
The coor­di­na­tes are pro­ce­s­sed and pas­sed to the Map­Trip Ser­ver API to per­form rou­te opti­mizati­on (sequence opti­mizati­on) and crea­ti­on of the refe­rence rou­te or itinerary.

After­wards, a request for the vehic­le IDs of the reque­st­ing user is initia­ted in order to have the crea­ted rou­te sent to the­se vehic­les via Map­Trip Remote.


Try out the Ser­ver-API for yours­elf now! Get a free demo token here and add it to the deve­lo­per docs under Aut­ho­ri­ze. Try out all the fea­tures of the Ser­ver API.

This offer is wit­hout obli­ga­ti­on and free of char­ge for you.

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