Bun­des­kon­gress des kom­mu­na­len Abfall­wirt­schaft, May 21–22, Berlin

The Fede­ral Con­gress of Muni­ci­pal Waste Manage­ment and Urban Clea­ning is the lea­ding event in the indu­stry. Under the mot­to “Waste Manage­ment on the Move: Sha­ping Tomor­ro­w’s Trends”, CEOs, board mem­bers and exe­cu­ti­ves from muni­ci­pal waste manage­ment will dis­cuss cur­rent topics and solutions.

We will be the­re to intro­du­ce our navi­ga­ti­on system Map­Trip Fol­low­Me to the pro­fes­sio­nal audi­ence and look for­ward to a gre­at exch­an­ge of information!

Bundeskongress des kommunalen Abfallwirtschaft

May 21–22,  2019

Leo­nar­do Roy­al Hotel Ber­lin
Otto-Braun-Str. 90
10249 Ber­lin


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