Wel­co­me GPS App Map­Trip 4.8 and dis­co­ver the new func­tions for Waste Management

Just in time for the begin­ning of 2019 our new Map­Trip Release 4.8 is now available. We have packed in a total of 17 new func­tions with which Map­Trip can be adapt­ed even more indi­vi­du­al­ly to cus­to­mer requi­re­ments. As usu­al, we also inclu­ded recom­men­da­ti­ons from our part­ners to fur­ther deve­lop Map­Trip. The focus of this release is on the GPS app fea­tures for waste management.

GPS App MapTrip 4.8

New fea­ture for Fol­low­Me GPS app for Waste Management 

Map­Trip Fol­low­Me is the GPS App for waste manage­ment, street clea­ning and win­ter ser­vices. It sup­ports the dri­ver in fol­lo­wing extre­me­ly com­plex routes.

At the end of a Fol­low­Me tour, it was pre­vious­ly pos­si­ble to inde­pendent­ly access are­as that had not been coll­ec­ted in free ride mode.

With the new Fol­low­Me Sec­tions func­tion, skip­ped or missed Fol­low­Me Tour are­as can now be bet­ter pro­ce­s­sed later. The­se are­as are coll­ec­ted in sec­tions and can then be pro­ce­s­sed in any order (by manu­al sel­ec­tion) taking into account the exi­sting events and event information.

An over­view of all sec­tions is now gene­ra­ted in the menu navigation.

GPS App MapTrip 4.8

The indi­vi­du­al sec­tions can be sel­ec­ted here and then dis­play­ed on the map accor­din­gly. A rou­te will then be cal­cu­la­ted and the tour will take place as usu­al with all ins­truc­tions and events. 

New func­tion: Chan­ge of posi­ti­on sym­bol when using a truck profile

The truck GPS app Map­Trip Truck uses map data of Tom­Tom or Here and con­siders the truck’s dimen­si­ons in it’s rou­te. Thus it avo­ids low tun­nels or bridges with a weight limit.

When using a truck pro­fi­le a new posi­ti­on sym­bol will now be used in order to pro­vi­de a bet­ter way to distin­gu­ish bet­ween profiles.

GPS App MapTrip 4.8

New func­tion: Admin-Mode to rest­rict access of set­tings and menu items

In order to make important set­tings only acce­s­si­ble to a limi­t­ed group of peo­p­le an Admin mode has been imple­men­ted. It is pos­si­ble to use the Admin mode by set­ting pass­word in the Settings.ini. Con­se­quent­ly, a togg­le but­ton «Admin-mode» is dis­play­ed in the menu «Settings/General». Acti­via­ting the mode trig­gers a pass­word prompt dialog.

This ensu­res that set­tings such as vehic­le para­me­ters can­not be unin­ten­tio­nal­ly changed. 

Want to learn more about Map­Trip 4.8 and its other fea­tures? Plea­se feel free to cont­act us at any time.

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